Community Care
A Monthly Offering
Once a month on Mondays @ 5:00-6:00 pm Mountain Time
July 22, August 19, September 23, October 28, November 25, December 23
FREE and open to all
*This class will not be recorded
A guided space to return to the earth, rest our bones, replenish our reservoirs, nourish our nervous systems and move together in a shared community field.
The motion towards rest is a radical, necessary and profound act toward care of ourselves and the integrity of our expressions. To do so in a communal space is a beautiful thing. The emphasis in this space will be on rest- spending time laying on the ground, allowing our bones to land and our systems to remember their relationship to both earth and gravity- two forces that always have our back. This time on the earth is a powerful return to animal body, fluid body, a felt-sense experience of the intelligence of our system- an invitation to trust our organism and follow its gestures which, when we allow,, are always guiding us toward replenishment, nourishment and balance and a more coherent relationship with self, the planet and each other.
You’ll leave feeling more like the supple, gorgeous, wild human animal that you are, and less like the stiff, rigid, performative machine you’ve been taught to be.
Set yourself up on the floor with a mat (or just a comfy rug or carpet is fine), a blanket, some cushions to grab if desired. Dress in layers and make sure you’re warm enough. Bring your friends and family.
Open to all bodies. No prior experience of anything necessary.