Coastal Backpacking Trip for Women and Female-Identified Folx
A 5-day wilderness-based backpacking trip on the Lost Coast of Northern CA
May 10-14, 2022
Sliding Scale $1250-$1550
*Please see a note below (just above the FAQ section) for more info on financial aid/scholarships
5 days. 12 hearts beating in song. Join me in May on the breathtaking “Lost Coast” in Northern California for a wilderness immersion that will breathe life back in and re-member us down to the bone. Let’s get lost on purpose, and find ourselves and the world again. This spacious, stunning land+seascape will shepherd us into a profound encounter with our inner worlds, the wild, our circle of 12 and the astonishing loving wisdom of Life itself. This is a place to bring all of you. A place that can hold all of you.
These are no ordinary wilderness trips. They are a dive into the brave and bountiful work of soul, of cycles, and of wildness – yours and that of the earth. We will let the wild into our skin, let ourselves be touched by her immensity and power and remember to carry her with us everywhere. We return to a more natural state and revive right relationship with our planet, each other, and what is being asked of us in these times. We go to the wilderness not to get out of our lives, but to reconnect with Source so we can step more into them.
We will dive deep, slow down, and become the breathing body that the wild wants to be near. We will remember more that we are part of wise living- system, an intelligent web of life. We will relish in the play of light on water for hours at a time, give space enough for the tender, fierce and soul-soaked parts of us, touch the wildness that we know we are made of but that somehow evades us in the busyness of our lives. We will honor our cycles. Gather the courage to see hard truths, the fire to shift what no longer serves, and the balm to gentle and replenish ourselves. Here lies the support to see, be seen and dive deep. We will raise up as a “sudden village” with the longed-for medicine of face-to-face connection and intimacy.
No matter our ancestry or heritage, across cultures we share ancestry that understood Nature as teacher and elder, as eternal wisdom and love. But many of us have forgotten. It is possible to go into nature and miss it altogether. It happens all the time. We hold on to our “front-country” mindsets and use nature as a backdrop and stomping ground for the drives of our ego. These trips are not that. We will go into the wild with deep intention and listening, to recover and commune with a bone stirring memory of our place in and as the “family of things”. We will find the wilderness and all of her cycles of life and death, and be gifted map, mirror and medicine- trustworthy maps to follow and locate ourselves within. Mirrors in which to see ourselves and lives . And reservoir of medicine to fill our cups until they run over.
Come for adventure, for solitude, for sovereignty and challenge. For refuge and inspiration. To feel your animal body. To wash your mind with beauty, ceilings of stars and the sound of mama ocean rocking us to sleep. Say yes to what’s calling you.
Among whatever arises in the moment, we will explore through primal gesture, archetypal qigong, stillness, silence, voice, creative writing, land-art, play-time, solo time, the mythic world of story in Women Who Run with the Wolves, and the art and simply being.

5 days. 12 hearts beating in song. Join me in May on the breathtaking “Lost Coast” in Northern California for a wilderness immersion that will breathe life back in and re-member us down to the bone. Let’s get lost on purpose, and find ourselves and the world again. This spacious, stunning land+seascape will shepherd us into a profound encounter with our inner worlds, the wild, our circle of 12 and the astonishing loving wisdom of Life itself. This is a place to bring all of you. A place that can hold all of you.
These are no ordinary wilderness trips. They are a dive into the brave and bountiful work of soul, of cycles, and of wildness – yours and that of the earth. We will let the wild into our skin, let ourselves be touched by her immensity and power and remember to carry her with us everywhere. We return to a more natural state and revive right relationship with our planet, each other, and what is being asked of us in these times. We go to the wilderness not to get out of our lives, but to reconnect with Source so we can step more into them.

We will dive deep, slow down, and become the breathing body that the wild wants to be near. We will remember more that we are part of wise living- system, an intelligent web of life. We will relish in the play of light on water for hours at a time, give space enough for the tender, fierce and soul-soaked parts of us, touch the wildness that we know we are made of but that somehow evades us in the busyness of our lives. We will honor our cycles. Gather the courage to see hard truths, the fire to shift what no longer serves, and the balm to gentle and replenish ourselves. Here lies the support to see, be seen and dive deep. We will raise up as a “sudden village” with the longed-for medicine of face-to-face connection and intimacy.

No matter our ancestry or heritage, across cultures we share ancestry that understood Nature as teacher and elder, as eternal wisdom and love. But many of us have forgotten. It is possible to go into nature and miss it altogether. It happens all the time. We hold on to our “front-country” mindsets and use nature as a backdrop and stomping ground for the drives of our ego. These trips are not that. We will go into the wild with deep intention and listening, to recover and commune with a bone stirring memory of our place in and as the “family of things”. We will find the wilderness and all of her cycles of life and death, and be gifted map, mirror and medicine- trustworthy maps to follow and locate ourselves within. Mirrors in which to see ourselves and lives . And reservoir of medicine to fill our cups until they run over.

Come for adventure, for solitude, for sovereignty and challenge. For refuge and inspiration. To feel your animal body. To wash your mind with beauty, ceilings of stars and the sound of mama ocean rocking us to sleep. Say yes to what’s calling you.
Among whatever arises in the moment, we will explore through primal gesture, archetypal qigong, stillness, silence, voice, creative writing, land-art, play-time, solo time, the mythic world of story in Women Who Run with the Wolves, and the art and simply being.

- No prior backpacking experience necessary. Participants must be physically able to carry a 35-40lb pack, and to hike up to 8 miles per day with this pack on their back. (You definitely don’t have to think this will be easy, it just needs to be physically possible for you- the rest is a mental dance)
- *Participants need to know they have the confidence, physical centering, and psychic anchoring to hold them in time and space. A clear sense of containment is required. This trip is not a fit for those who may be currently feeling destabilized, traumatized, struggling to heal, or in need of reestablishing basic nervous system or life coherency.” We will be moving not only into the vast wilderness of this coastline, but into the wilds of our psyches, hearts and somas. ( *Thank you to Liz Koch for this language). Of course, much healing is available here. And so many of us have been moving through instability…if you’d like to join but are wondering if this may apply to you, please reach out to Sarah. She is happy to get on the phone to see if this trip and timing is a fit for you.

Trip Details
Location: This trip will take place on the southern portion of the extraordinary Lost Coast, in the Sinykone Wilderness.
Meeting Time and Place: We will meet at the Usal Beach Trailhead in Whitehorn, CA at 12 noon on Tuesday May 10. This is a 4.5 hour drive from San Francisco. As soon as we have our circle gathered, we’ll connect you for ride shares and carpools, which we highly recommend.
Travel: Closest airports to our destination are SFO and (San Fransisco) and OAK (Oakland). Please plan to arrive no later than May 9th (it’s an early leave time on the 10th if you’re driving from the city), and please DO NOT BOOK any travel or make any plans prior to May 15th. We will not plan around flight times or other logistics on the 14th. This, our last day, deserves to be spacious, slow and organic. There is no wiggle room around this, as we’ll be in the backcountry as well as 5 hours from an airport.
Pre-Trip ZOOM call: Tuesday April 26th at 7:00 pm MST

** If you would like to join this trip but don’t have the financial means to do so, please reach out to Sarah. She’d love to help make this possible for you. These funds are limited, need-based and intended for folks who otherwise would not be able to join. (Please allow these funds to remain available to those who have financial need, rather than financial preference )
What is different about these backpacking trips?
Do I need prior backpacking experience?
What about transportation to and from the trailhead?
What if I’m having trouble getting everything on the packing list?
Will I be able to call my family?
How much hiking do we do?
Will this be hard?
What kind of foods do we eat?
Who should not come on this trip?
A few rules backcountry gear thumb:
Cotton kills! It doesn’t dry quickly or keep you warm if its wet, and this can create serious safety hazards and threats of hypothermia. Warmer is the way to go- you can always de-layer. You know your own body best…so tend it well based on your own idiosyncrasies. It’s ok if you bring more than you’ll need. On the first day, when we will dump out our packs at the trailhead and go through gear, so we can help you decide between jackets, how many pairs of long underwear etc. So, if you need to bring it to feel better, bring it and we can check it out with you. Don’t bring full gallons of milk for your morning Chai (no joke…and she carried these for 5 days on one coast trip, and smiled all the way- one of my favorite memories for sure).
- Backpack (50-65 liter size). Internal Frame recommended. Please go to REI or another outdoor store to make sure you have the right pack size. Packs are not one-size-fits-all, and if you have a pack that is too big or small for you, it can be extremely uncomfortable. By size I mean S, M, L. Make sure whatever it is that it is 50-65liters in capacity.
- Sleeping pad- full length recommended, inflatable and insulated to some degree. Small enough that it will roll up and fit inside or on the side of your pack.
- Sleeping bag (<20 degree). This can be synthetic or down, whichever you prefer.
- Sleeping Bag compression sack
- Headlamp with extra batteries
- Metal or plastic Bowl, mug, spoon/fork
- Water bottles or camelback (or similar) bladder. Big enough to carry at least 2.5 liters( do not bring insulated hydroflasks- these are way too heavy)
- 3-4 Underwear
- 1 pair shorts
- 2 pair hiking Pants (no jeans)
- 2-3 T-Shirts
- 1-2 Mid-weight layers, top and bottom (like fleece or wool)
- 1 Warm outer layer (like a puffy/down jacket). If you run cold, bring 2 of these style jacks or add in a vest
- 1 Rain Jacket
- 1 Beanie (warm hat)
- 1 pair warm gloves
- 1 Sun hat
- 3-4 Pairs of hiking Socks (not cotton)
- 1 Hiking shoes or boots. Go for boots if you have weaker ankles. Make sure these fit well, are comfortable and are broken in
- 1 pair Sandals/slippers/Crocs for camp
- 1 Sunglasses
- 1 Bandana
- 1 Swimsuit
- Toiletries (toothpaste, toothbrush, facial moisturizer, comb/brush if needed)
- Chapstick with SPF
- Personal Medication
- Camp Chair – crazy creek style or one that is light and can fit in your pack. This is optional but everyone I’ve ever led has always wished they brought one.
- Camera or phone for pics (optional- you are free to leave your phone in the car)
- Sunscreen
- Hiking poles (optional but highly recommended)
- Journal and 2 pens
- A small and personally meaningful gift that will be given away to someone in the group. You’ll be carrying this so make sure its small and light. Trust your gut on this one.
FOOD- Meals Lunch on Day 1 through Lunch on day 5.
- Stoves/fuel
- Cook-set/pots and pans
- Water filtration devices
- 1st aid supplies
- Trail maps
- Knives for cooking
- Shovel etc. for pooping in the backcountry
- Satellite texting device for emergencies