REGISTER: Online Writing Salons
Writing as creation story: Freedom, healing, and power.
limit 10 writers
In these creative gestations, you will feel seen, come alive in ways that take your own breath away, become intimate with your own soul in a way that gives meaning to the life you live. Your writing will get brighter, your inner critic will get quieter and you will walk away pulsing with the beat of creative community and your own heart’s song. Utilizing the brilliance of Gateless Writing, a method based in the neuroscience of creativity, we will create an unequivocally safe writing space that will literally unlock your creative brilliance. You will only hear about what is strong in your writing which will stoke the fire of your unique genius in powerful ways.
Each week you will gather with 10 other word-loving humans to dedicate 2.5 hours to the wonder and power of words, voice, and witness. Each session will begin with a guided meditation that will lead us into a period of uninterrupted writing. The second portion of our time will be a time for reading outloud and feedback – which is a profound experience of being truly held, received, and reflected in your voice. THIS is where the magic happens. THIS is what you cannot achieve alone. It takes courage to read. It takes care to listen. We will be honing both of these capacities in ourselves, as we are fed by each others’ words and voices. Magic happens on the page. Alchemy occurs in the feedback process.
Note: Each week writers are to create original and new material, editing existing works. (Of course, adding to existing works is entirely welcome.) And writers are never allowed to offer critical feedback to each other. Ever. No suggestions, questions, critiques, analysis.
Register here.
It’s ok to show up sleepy, grumpy, uninspired, not in the mood to write, “blocked”, afraid, emotional, haggard from your day, in your pajamas, in your bed, half-dreaming, half-asleep, disheveled, joyful, bursting with energy. It is ok to show up human-ed from work, from family, from traffic…it’s ok to show up as you are. The muse thrives on the grit of your life. On its humanness. For this is where our creativity is born from – not from some place that lives far away or is perfect and “together”. What we will come to see is that if given the space, words want to be born and they will tell US what we (and the world) need to hear. You may write by hand or on your computer or finger paint – whatever suits you.