A VIRTUAL RESIDENCY of creative sanctuary, support and focus for the projects that are closest to your heart.  

A monthly virtual-residency program

6 month commitment required (option to recommit at the 6 month mark) 

2 distinct cohort options, depending on your project and creative needs

$180/month or $1080 up front 

Begins February 28/March 1

5 spots available at full price. 1 spot at a 10% discount. 1 spot at a 20% discount. 1 spot at a 40% discount. Please read my SLIDING EQUITY SCALE page for details and discount codes. Special codes for this space limited offering is at the bottom of that page. Monthly payment plan available at registration.



Wednesdays -February 28, March 27, April 24, May 29, June 26, July 31
11:00 am-3:00 pm MT
$180/month or $1080 up front


Fridays- March 1, April 5, May 3, May 31, July 5, August 2, September 13
11:00 am- 3:00 pm MT
$180/month or $1080 up front

I’ve been dreaming about this offering for some time now. In 2023, I created this space for myself in Santa Fe with a small group of creative peers. What is transpiring is truly life-affirming, project shaping and utterly irreplaceable for each of us.

I am thrilled to be offering this to you in 2024.

This is a space for writers, visual artists, activists creating a project, dissertation writers, business-builders, makers of all crafts, and any creative person who is longing for a space of sanctuary, support and deep focus for your work, that keeps you connected to the deepest current of your creative calling and vision. 

THIS IS….A game-changing virtual residency program that provides a steady monthly sanctuary of nurture, witness, encouragement and focused time to work/play on your piece/project. YOU are the only person inside of the deep heart of your work- this is a space to consult and move from the heart of your creative self and your work. 

There are 2 distinct cohorts for this residency, each serving different needs and phases of creative work. (Detailed descriptions are at the end of this page).


CLAIM your work and your goals/visions/dreams for your work.

AMPLIFY the inherent intelligence of your creative muse and process, and to quiet the influence and noise of inner and outer critics.

LISTEN to your project/piece/work and hear where it is guiding you next.

ADMIT what you’re up to and all of the wild emotions you have about that fact

Be REFLECTED in what is powerful, what is working and what has energy about your project, thereby growing the agency of your inherent creative genius that will guide you to the next horizon

Be JOINED by creative colleagues and peers in what is often ( and unnecessarily ) a solitary and lonely creative journey.

MOVE your projects forward in tangible ways

STEP OUT of capitalism’s stranglehold on our creative works and find the truer rhythm and purpose of your work

Have your VULNERABILITY HELD WELL – This is a place and a space that assumes and tends the profound vulnerability of the projects that are born out of our personal bodies and lives, the bodies and lives of those in our community, and that honors, makes space for and tends that vulnerability with utmost care, respect and love.

To feel LESS ALONE, LESS SCATTERED and more energetically supported and walked-with in the bringing forward of these soul-called projects and works.

To share in the STEADY, LONG-TERM LABOR  of the creative act, to gather our individual fires toward a collected hearth that can warm, feed and further us toward birthing our projects to the next level.


THIS IS NOT: A Co-working space, an entrepreneurial/ business incubator, a place for critique and questioning of your/other’s voices or projects, nor a space of heady ideological commerce.

This is a place to gather a small group of heartbeats who are traversing the deep water of their creative works and projects- a space to be witnessed and seen in what is working through us, and what we are working through in our projects.  For one’s personal and deep listening of what is and wants to come through and take shape.  For an atmosphere of gathered attention that allows us to lean into parts of our projects that are difficult to do alone, exceptionally vulnerable, parts that require more fire, support, companionship, courage, unbroken attention, deep visceral focus, and the shared waters of a small group of other humans in their own private conversation with their muse, with their art, with the energy that wants to bring these projects to bare in the world. A space of a “community of solitudes” to use Parker Palmer’s language, a culture in which we are able and invited to commune more deeply with the necessity of our creative solitude, in the necessity of community.  A space for inquiry and reflection of what has energy, what is powerful and brilliant rather than a space that spins in the dispersed havoc of critique,uninvited suggestions or questioning of one’s project/art/words/ideas. A place to keep an ear to the ground in how our projects are being shaped, shifted, informed and transformed along their way.  A space of embodied creative work  A space of  care, connection, energy, support, and creative friendship.

THE WEDNESDAY COHORT: YOU ARE UNDERWAY WITH YOUR PROJECT/PROCESS/ CRAFT in some way and are wanting to move toward bringing your project to publication/ public visibility/to have legs in the world in some larger way and are longing for a focused, supported space to turn toward what is courting you…you are want to get some shit done, to move those visions forward in tangible ways, to have a space to share about your process in a deeper and more vulnerable way as a doorway into the heart of your creative work, to listen to the guidance (from inside of yourself) about next steps and directions, to broach thresholds of creative material, tasks or craft-edges that have been too large or intimidating to make your way into alone… while also being held by a container of deep listening, witness, energetic support and possibility. This space is for those who are ready to get to it, with threads, goals and ideas that you’ve been longing to have the time and container to sink into and make progress on. We will begin and end our sessions with facilitated time for sharing, witness and creative entry. The middle 2.5-3 hours are for you to be in your work in an uninterrupted way, whatever that means for you on a given day. (which can include taking a nap, ordering supplies, planning, reading inspiring poems- anything goes. This is your time). This space is right for those of you who feel your mouth water and your system exhale at the thought of this kind of dedicated and held time to turn toward whatever is at hand for you. This space absolutely includes the potential to move in a new and unexpected directions, return to beginner’s mind, unknown edges, explore new mediums and start anew.

THE FRIDAY COHORT:  YOU ARE JUST BEGINNING (or longing to begin) A CREATIVE PROJECT, CRAFT or PROCESS in some way, you hear something calling but might not be quite sure what form it wants to take quite yet, you have begun some project but it still feels like it is in it’s tender baby beginnings and needs some more holding, containment, community and facilitated process for helping you excavate into the creative flow, uncover and identify paralyzing fears, your internal critic, what might be holding you back, as well as the power and pulse of your creative river.  You need some more-bite sized invitations into exploring and clarifying the expression and forms that are calling to you, which will include focused time to work/play. We will begin and end our sessions with time for sharing and witness, as well as more pointed exercises for creative entry and excavation . The middle 2.5-3 hours are for you to explore your creative work/play in a focused uninterrupted way, whatever that means for you on a given day. This space is a fit for those of you who might feel slightly overwhelmed or intimidated at the thought of our middle 2.5-3 hours. In this cohort, we will still dedicate that time for individual work, (which can include taking a nap, ordering supplies, planning, reading inspiring poems- anything goes. This is your time). but we will spend more time at the beginning and end of the sessions honing in on and exploring the facets of what nurtures (and potentially blocks) your personal creative culture, and supporting you to explore and play in your desired medium.

Why “Gateless”? What is Gateless? I have been fortunate enough to grow as a writer in the arms of the Gateless methodology for the last 9 years, and am a Gateless trained teacher. This work is revolutionary in the creative space- it holds true to the inherent genius of our creative intelligence, only highlights what is working, what has energy and what is strong in one’s work, which increases our movement toward an inherent and inner-guided wisdom that intuitively creates craft, timing and unique flow and originality in one’s own work. It is based on radical nurturing and deep trust of one’s own creative genius-no one outside of ourselves can tell us where our work is going or what it is trying to become. You can read more about Gateless here.





Together we will make a place.

A space.











Like honey.

Like a good meal that sustains us and the heartbeat of our creative work and calling all year long.

“Creativity is not a solitary movement. That is its power. Whatever is touched by it, whoever hears it, sees it, senses it, knows it, it’s fed. That is why beholding someone else’s creative word, images, idea, fills us up, and inspires us to our own creative work. A single creative act has the potential to feed a continent. One creative act can cause a torrent to break through stone.”


– Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes