Primal Gesture and Archetypal Qigong: A Day of Moving Story

October 10, 2024

9:00 am – 5:00 pm


$265 – $320

We begin exploring the power inherent within Myth and Archetype as a portal into our mutable inner knowing. Softening, Shapeshifting, Tracking we’ll sense into our birthright of our animal body and into the wild fluid terrain of inner power.


Liz Koch

Liz Koch is a conceptual artist exploring the deep sensory system and the wild wisdom of core Psoas. An international somatic educator and author with 45 years of experience, she is the creator of Core Awareness™ and the author of The Psoas Book; Core Awareness: Enhancing Yoga, Pilates, Exercise & Dance; Stalking Wild Psoas: Embodying Your Core Intelligence; and her upcoming book Birth Savvy. Liz focuses on kinesthetic intelligence and somatic awareness as a means for unfolding our human potential. Stalking Wild Psoas is her passion and Changing the Language of Body is her mission.

Sarah Byrden

Sarah Byrden is a somatic educator, archetypal qigong teacher, and wilderness guide. A two time TEDx presenter, Sarah has dedicated over twenty years to the deep study and apprenticeship of nature-based movement modalities. Teaching from her own life-long journey, she is the founder of The Elemental Self, which offers pathways for remembering our true self, the web in which we belong, and our innate capacity to move and be moved by a source beyond our conditioning.