A Gateless Writing Retreat for the Salmon Spawn in the Coastal Mountains of Oregon
Vernonia, Oregon
We gather together to write our own journey. To touch the deepest centers of home, to deposit new life onto the page, to let die what needs to die, to give ourselves to the right rhythm of cycles. Autumn is nature’s call back to itself. Inward. Downward. Homeward. To self. To soul.
We will spend these days together, nestled into the handmade elegance and serenity of YogaFarm, a private retreat center and home, surrounded by three sides of fresh river and creek, 1st and 2nd growth trees. A handbuilt farmhouse to hold us, blazing fire and warm hearth, 3 writing sessions a day, luscious and relaxing bodywork from the magic hands of Liz Wiig (brought to you all the way from Colorado), nourishing meals around a loooong wooden farm table, walks on the land, a luxurious sweat in the dry sauna, your own practice in the in-home yoga-studio, laughter, depth, and community…all to court your muse on the page, celebrate its unique voice, and stoke the fire of your creative drum.
You will walk away nourished and smitten, vibrant and with sturdy faith in the spirit of the words and art that move through you.
Learn more about Gateless Writing here.